But Then Again It Produce a Mass Murderer


Over the years, scholars have studied the phenomenon of serial murder and tried to explain the causes that originate it. Despite the studies near the types of serial killers, the dynamics, the contexts, and the circuitous psychological mechanisms which pb a series killer to murder, organic factors or social nature were identified, only none of these answered the question why some individuals become serial killers, in spite of the types take been studied, the dynamics, the contexts, the complex psychological mechanisms give rise to the expiry of activities by these individuals. This is the focal point and the problem we want to solve. This paper will try to outline ii basic phases which represent the blastoff and omega of the world of serial killers from fantasy to enacting the murder.

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Malizia, N. (2017) Serial Killer: The Mechanism from Imagination to the Murder Phases. Sociology Listen, 7, 44-59. doi: 10.4236/sm.2017.72004.

1. Introduction

Fantasy is the driving element in the serial killer's life, and as a effect plays an integral part in the murder itself. The killer is not only pushed to kill by their thought patterns (Ressler, 1988) , but is essentially incited to murder by an intrusive fantasy life (Burgess, 1991). Their early-learned view that violence against other humans is a "normal" and "acceptable" (Holmes & De Burger, 1988) way of getting what they want serves to virtually encourage murder. And only equally in addiction, their ambivalent views toward societal values encourage them to try a proscribed behavior, in this murdercase. Within the murder, at that place are many reflections of fantasy. Fifty-fifty among the series killers who had little or no conscious plans of murder, there is still a great deal of show in their belief structures for unconscious fantasy (Ressler, 1988) . The murder, as a whole, is an integral function of the serial killer's sexual fantasy (Brown, 1991) . And criminal offense scenes tend to repeat elements of the fantasy in such things every bit the status of the body, the trunk's state of dress and position, and the visibility of the disposal local (Ressler, 1988) . As the years pass, the future killer'south reliance on fantasy simply increases. It continues to substitute for existent feelings of control, and every bit a vent for anger, and also comes to compensate for feelings of low self-esteem and feelings of general failure (FBI, 1985) . Equally a result of their reliance on fantasy, and as a result of childhood corruption, the future killer has adult a serial of negative personality traits which results in only increased isolation. These traits include a preference for autoerotic activeness, aggression, chronic lying, rebelliousness, and a preference for fetish beliefs (Ressler, 1988) . The killer's initial difficulty in distinguishing between reality and fantasy continues to grow (Abrahamson, 1973) . Fueled by the negative personality traits, and inability to distinguish fantasy from reality, the future killer fails to adequately develop social relationships (Drukteinis, 1992) . The early on isolation, leading to antisocial acts, is fueled by the acts, and increased isolation results. The isolation and hating behavior build into a feedback bicycle, resulting in more than violent behavior on the part of the killer, and even greater isolation from club. The lack of penalty resulting from the hereafter killer'southward trigger-happy behavior is a blazon of reinforcement (Ressler, 1988) . The killer'due south childhood fantasies and thinking patterns stimulate but themselves, and while reducing tension, serve just to further their alienation ( Ressler, 1988) . The social isolation, the consequence of early antisocial behavior and fantasy, only increases the child'southward reliance on fantasy (Ressler, 1988) . This isolation is reformed into even greater anger against society (Ressler, 1988) . The killer'south early reliance on fantasy leads to fierce acts, and childhood abuse leads toward anger confronting society. Anger produces violent acts, which in turn increases the child's isolation. The increased isolation leads to fifty-fifty more acrimony, hating acts, and a vastly increased dependence on fantasy. The self-feeding cycle of isolation, anger and fantasy but serves to catapult the future killer fifty-fifty farther away from what society views as normal, and even closer to the human action of homicide. By the time of sexual development, and autoerotic experimentation, fantasy is well on its way to it'south final office, that of sole coping device. Human being'southward ability to rehearse and anticipate positive outcomes from his behavior, and ability to reinforce self through forethought and planning, through imagina- tion and fantasy (Orford, 1985) , is what has gone terribly incorrect here. The series killer, though outwardly secure and apparently stable, is in reality terribly insecure (Geberth, 1990) . When the killer is not in complete command of the situation, he feels helpless, without ability. Fantasy, hither, is like other forms of addiction, lending a form of temporary self-esteem. The farthermost violence of some killers is entangled with this depression self-esteem. Holmes & De Burger (1988) plant a corre- lation between high levels of violence and low self-concept, particularly among offenders of average and greater than average intelligence. Fantasy has become a state of affairs in which the killer is ever in command, always powerful. This fantasy has gone so far as to become another reality for the killer, equivalent to, and equally viable as, the real globe. Indeed, the fantasy globe is so existent to the killer, that he believes he can motion between fantasy and reality, that there is no distinguishable difference (FBI, 1985) . Murder is not the isolated result which the media and public view it to be. Rather, it is the logical outgrowth, an extension, of the series killer's fantasy life. Fantasy is the drive mechanism for the murder (Brown, 1991) . And even though fantasy preceded murder, the act of murder has, in a sense, solidified the fantasy (FBI, 1985) . The series killer's groovy difficulty in differentiating betwixt fantasy and reality has been pushed over the edge past the act of murder. The acting out of the fantasy has linked information technology with the existent world, and in the serial killer's mind, the fantasy has become reality (FBI, 1985) . In the words of the FBI (1985) : "the offender believes he can now command reality". Essentially: "sexual homicide is an human action of command, authority and functioning that is representative of an underlying fantasy embedded with violence, sexuality and expiry". Though it is non immediately obvious in all cases, it is nonetheless truthful that the serial killer murders to preserve the fantasy (Ressler, 1988) . Often, the fantasy is of murder, and the only way to go along information technology live is to human activity information technology out. The protection of the fantasy may accept been required by a diverseness of factors, some of which are external, such as: an interruption past the victim of the offender'due south feeling of potency, or being enraged at the victim's beliefs (Ressler, 1988) . The murder is non recognized as such by the killer. Rather, most killers describe an "unbearable" (Holmes & De Burger, 1988) urge to kill. The net issue of this murder is to move the killer to a higher level of fantasy (FBI, 1985) . The serial killer experiences singled-out psychological benefits from the murder, non the to the lowest degree of which is the relief from intense feet (Brown, 1991) . Indeed, this relief is non entirely dissimilar to the function of a compulsion (Brownish, 1991) or an addiction. Stress is the triggering stimuli for almost series murders (Ressler, 1988) , much equally stress can trigger drinking bouts in alcoholics. An interesting notation is that some killers are so afflicted that they surrender to the authorities after the first or 2d murder. As a rule, yet, the more the serial killer murders, the greater the psychological gain. The fantasies survive and are elaborated upon, and the behavior of the killer is reinforced. Merely as fantasy and isolation fed each other, and so the murder fuels the fantasy and the fantasy fuels the murder. The serial killer does not end of his own accord. Unless prevented, the serial killer with impale again and again (Holmes & De Burger, 1988) . Each successful murder exhilarates the killer, both confirming and reinforcing the deed. Merely put: serial killers tend to increase their killings information technology appears they have to kill often to maintain their equili- brium. The fantasy and psychic high that they obtain induces bold and more frequent attacks, sometimes with a complete disregard of risk (Geberth, 1990) . While each murder reinforces the fantasy, the fantasy grows. One murder is no longer enough; the killer must kill again, and as the killings grow, he begins to require them more than ofttimes. The feelings of success of self-worth begin to stalk from the killings only. All serial killers follow this design, increasing the fre- quency of their killings (US Congress, 1984) . Past this time, there are no remaining internal forces that will stop the serial killer'south actions. The serial killer, rather than being a creature of complete and unutterable evil, as Geberth (1992) would debate, is in truth an addict. Shaped by a dysfunctional childhood and faulty learning, the serial killer learns to depend on fantasy as a coping machinery. This is, in certain respects, no dissimilar from the alcoholic using their drink of choice as a coping mechanism. But as addicts tend to fall into a down spiral, until all else in their lives centers around the addictive substance, the serial killer'due south life begins to revolve around fantasy. The revolution becomes then dominating that eventually fantasy becomes the center of the serial killer's life. And just as the heroin aficionado'due south need for a fix may drive him to steal, the serial killer'due south obli- gation to the fantasy drives him to murder. In short, the cycle of the series killer is no dissimilar from the cycle of any other aficionado, the end result of murder being functionally the same as the heroin addict's theft.

In general, the theoretical perspective which provides the best explanation of a series murder is that based on the systemic-relational model (Wilson & Seaman, 1990) . Co-ordinate to this explanation, the individual, taking into business relationship ane'southward innate characteristics, is nether the influence of the systems in which he is inserted and the relationships he has established with others in the environment. Scholars accept also stressed the importance of the presence of traumatic experiences in babyhood and adolescence of serial killers, defining them as the pro- duct of the family unit of origin and the parental background; this element unites the individual and whatever special physiological characteristics. If in the family and in society, relationships become negative and confusing, the series killer loses the sense of reality (Lavorino, 1993) . The homicidal action briefly reassembles the psychological organization of the subject until other negative factors interfere. In low-cal of this, series homicidal behavior can be seen equally the result of 3 factors (individual, social and ecology, relational), which are interwoven with each other, and change from ane serial killer to another. The individual factor includes all the personal characteristics of a serial killer. The socio-environmental factor includes all the social components that can affect the behavior of a serial murderer. The relational factor is a synthesis of the other two factors and is their meeting indicate. This factor is a measure of the degree of exchange between the private and the surroundings and the manner in which the subject behaves with others (Vaillant, 1975) . In this field, in that location is the tendency of many authors to but consider serial killers as those individuals whose murders are, in some way, linked to sexual disorders (Douglas, Ressler, Burgess, & Hartman, 1986). In fact, a single caption for all serial killers does non exist, because the reasons for serial homicidal beliefs can be manifold. As regards the taxonomy of serial murder, it must be pointed out that there are multiple means of classifying it. A serial murder is continued to the motive (Andreoli, 2004) , and focuses on the reason that prompted the bailiwick to behave serial homicide. Secondly, a serial murder classification can be fabricated in relation to the number of people who are killed by a series killer. Some serial killers commit their showtime murder individually, and subsequent murders in pairs or in groups (in this case, information technology refers to series murders committed in variable numbers). Some other classification criterion relates to the degree of planning the murder (Vronsky, 2004) : the homicidal behavior can swing between an absolute planning of all aspects of the crime and a total lack of organisation, or the series murderer tin schedule but a few stages of the murder, which are considered most important in the realization of their ritual. Finally, some authors have identified various stages in serial homicidal beliefs.

2. A Serial Killer's Fantasy

When the serial killer murders his offset victim, he activates what is known as "cyclical mechanism", entering a circular complex mental procedure, like an addiction, which leads him to kill again (Bruno & Marrazzi, 2000) . The murder becomes, therefore, the transposition of ane or more than mental images inside a real context and the dynamic process is bound to echo itself with particular features of rituals (Musci, Poor, & Tavella, 1997) . The imagination is the fundamental chemical element of the human psyche through which nosotros can modify reality, supplant something, review the past and anticipate the future (Anderson, 1994) . This is most commonly used by adults, as much as children, to proceeds and maintain command over an imagined situation. It can exist defined equally the imaginative procedure past which a subject field attempts to obtain substitute gratification, through activities experienced in the mind that he is non able to really experience in reality (Douglas, 2000) . Through imagination, whatsoever mood, such as anger, for instance, begins to take shape oriented toward a specific goal and a specific direction (Carlisle, 1993) . The elaboration of fantasy begins at an early age. During childhood children have refuge in fantasy and, according to the family context in which they grow upward, project what they have learned or experienced as a manner of relating to others. Living and growing up in a dysfunctional and hostile environment tin can generate psychological consequences for the child who will seek refuge in fantasy. The child volition create a personal imaginary world and will project the hostility and hatred that the child has experienced in the real globe. In fantasies any individual can imagine the cocky to be immense and without limits. The primary difference between a criminal and a normal field of study is that the former believes to have some sort of divine right to satisfy his fantasies, without moral or legal restrictions (Norris, 1988) . The serial killer's imagination plays a major role as he begins to fantasize about acts to exist performed in social club to limited say-so over some other human being. The decision-making ability of life and death infuses a feeling of omnipotence. He will live this fantasy compulsively and as individual scenes are revived, he will relive every single fragment and moment of madness every bit a unique and slap-up experience which must inevitably be carried out. When his delusional fantasies reach a summit, it is time to relish his deportment of the murder, until a new emotional necessity or compulsion leads him to kill over again (De Luca, 2000) . For the serial murderer, the victim is like a checkers pawn to be manipulated at volition in guild to "win the game". These individuals recoup for their social loneliness past retreating to their fantasy world, which is in fact dominated by their imagination. The more time spent fantasizing, the faster he will go dependent on the fantasies that feed the sense of self. At i signal, he feels obliged to enact the fantasies, dominate the victims and transform them into objects to be used for his pleasure (Scott, 2000) . Whatever serial killer, regardless of the reason backside the murders, always begins his subversive path due to fantasies. The murder is "lived" obsessively through increasingly elaborate fantasies, fueled by intense and prolonged exposure to violent pornography (Skrapec, 1996) . This predisposition towards sexualised and ambitious fantasy is central in most serial killers, from childhood. In fact, a favorite recreational activeness past series killers from an early on age is performing deportment which transform into real aggressive fantasies that, progressively, accept causeless a role of utmost importance within the psyche of the child. Early fantasies of a sexual and aggressive nature generate more and more violent behavioral episodes starting with the creation of violent fantasies on inanimate objects, then moving onto animals, until reaching the victimization of others who are considered human beings, even so they are mere objects whose role is to satisfy their fantasies (Bandura & Walters, 1959) .

Numerous studies have confirmed that most serial killers prove a loftier proficiency-oriented view towards death and all that concerns it (such as series killer: Pedro Alonso Lopez, Theodore Robert Bundy, Jefree Dahmer, Daniel Camargo Barbosa, Richard Ramirez, Henry Holmes, Harold Shipman). Confirmation of this view can exist determined from the fact that when they are arrested, serial killers are often able to recount the dynamics of their crimes with a meticulous attending to detail, through visual retention (Meloy, 2000) . During the developmental period, the serial killer processes a highly developed system of fantasies to defend against a traumatic reality that he cannot have. Every bit an developed, the level of processing of fantasies allows him to relive the trauma suffered by reversing the roles; thus, in his heed he is no longer the passive victim, but becomes an agile assailant. This role reversal makes it possible to momentarily overcome the trauma through a virtual revenge situation. With the progression of the fantasies, the virtual world is no longer sufficient and the serial murderer needs to alter the fantasy into reality (Boyle, 2005). For each serial murderer, fantasy is the fundamental chemical element of a murder (Hazelwood & Douglas, 1980) co-ordinate to the following scheme: 1) relational: concerns the style in which the criminal fantasizes about establishing a human relationship with the time to come victim. An extreme variant of an imagined relationship is the master/slave ane, which is very exciting for the subject considering it allows him to fully practise his domination and command needs; ii) paraphilia: concerns the sexual sphere of the fantasy. The criminal acts almost always start from a set of sexual perversions which are a concrete expression of his inner fantasy world; iii) situational: represents that part of the fantasy with regards to the setting in which the criminal wants to acquit out the murder and how he wishes to kill the victim. The field of study tin fantasize most building a "torture chamber", and may wish to take the victim to a remote forest, or clothes the victim in a certain way and let her pronounce sure words in order to increase the excitement. To implement this component, the ritual criminal becomes a managing director who organizes the crime scene at his will; 4) type of victim: the serial killer needs to choose a specific type of victim that reflects his fantasies as regards gender, age, race, complexion, and height; all those aspects that make the prey unique and irreplaceable in the killer's mind. The attack is part of a ritual that allows the field of study to discover momentary relief from their internal tensions and the free energy is channeled to the kind of victim that responds better to the needs of the criminal; 5) self-perception: the last component concerns the style in which the murderer is perceived inside the fantasy. A series killer can have a diversity of roles which tin range from interpreting the feeling of complete inadequacy to a sense of divine omnipotence, through which he tin exercise absolute command over another man being whom he cannot control in daily life.

3. Series Killers: Thought Patterns and Deportment

From the many studies carried out in this field, it was possible to identify a serial killer's thought design and action, which is divided into five phases that are repeated in a circular process (Ciappi, 1998) : 1) distorted thinking phase: it is the psychological stage common to all series killers. The subject is unable to properly assess the touch of a deviant act, equally he fails to consider the consequences and is more interested in the emotional gratification that tin result from his actions; 2) motivational phase: a single upshot or set of events, which are real or imagined, considering of the transition to this stage. The stimulus is perceived every bit something personal, and the distorted mentality of the subject produces a disproportionate response to incidents. The field of study, in fact, feels the demand to physically offload, and begins the procedure of hunting his prey/victim; 3) inner negative answer phase: at this betoken the murderer has to bargain with feelings of inadequacy, especially when there are negative letters from the lodge that surrounds him. He needs to strengthen his unstable sense of identity and does so using the means he knows all-time: domination, control and violence; 4) external negative response phase: This chemical element helps the subject to confirm his superiority as a person. There is no kind of interest in the possible consequences of his criminal deportment. The beliefs has the objective of increasing and stabilizing the sense of power; v) restoration phase: This phase restores the residue that the subject had at the first of the process. In one case back in this country of mind, the serial killer reflects on previously ignored dangerous consequences, realizing that his technique needs to be improved past choosing the victims properly, and dealing with where to leave the bodies so that they are found easily. The killer besides thinks about how to minimize personal risks in upcoming murders. The subject, therefore, completes the bicycle and returns to the "distorted thinking" phase.

4. Serial Killers: Biological Predispositions

Ordinary people often wonder about the nature of unconceivable and horrific actions that are committed past serial killers. Information technology is important to clarify the origins of a serial killer (Giannangelo, 1996) . The interpretation of the three-phase model which was developed can answer these questions. Some individuals prove a biological predisposition to violence due to deficits of the brain organisation which involve a depression level of frustration tolerance. In this volatile brain structure, stressful events and environmental traumas are added (Tables 1-iii).

The pathological personality has no adaptive capacity, so the subject is non able to confront to everyday problems posed by the real world, therefore he prefers to retreat into a private world of fantasies which satisfy him. Consequently, the existent globe but remains for the serial killer's criminal activeness, which he has previously fantasized about and that has led him to commit his start murder (Tabular array ii).

After having committed murder, the killer is gear up to start the destructive bike and become a serial killer. Sooner or later, in fact, he feels a new impulse to impale. He chooses the victim, and later the murder, spends a catamenia of relative at-home in which he elaborates and relives the murder he has just committed in his fantasy, until, once more, imagination is not plenty, and he volition feel the need to kill once again (Tabular array 3).

The effect is the development of an individual who suffers from low self- esteem leading to disability to create authentic and empathic personal relationships (Lachmann & Lachmann, 1995) . The central feature is poor control of impulses, which serve to stabilize the precarious sense of self through some superficial gratification. At the same time, they also develop sexual dysfunctions, which may

Table 2. Accumulation of stressful events and first murder (Giannangelo, 1996) .

Tabular array three. Obsessive cycle-compulsive and ritualistic (Giannangelo, 1996) .

take the form of real perversions and brand any relationship marked by existent intimacy incommunicable (Roncagalli, 2016) .

5. Sequential Predatory Beliefs

The series killer's beliefs is usually characterized by several factors, which, in combination, requite origin to homicidal deportment, which ascend cyclically in time. Sequential predatory behavior (Holmes & Holmes, 1998) , is developed through the interaction of four key elements: ane) imagination: is the chemical element which is the basis of despised sexuality and is part of a serial predator's personality. With a series of murders, the fantasy becomes more sexual and more aggressive and the subject develops a grade of dependency on it; 2) symbolism: The sexual perversions of series killers have a strong symbolic value. In particular, the collection of fetish items immediately afterward the murder serves to remind the killer of the victim, feed the fantasies and get emotional gratification. Serial murder is a form of communication used by the serial killer, in which the expressive role is to "show" sides of the killer's personality and transport a conscious bulletin through the only language known past the subject area; 3) ritualism: a peculiar chemical element of serial murder is that of ritual. The subject field is forced by his internal fantasies to follow a constant repetitive pattern over time in some or all of its phases; for example, the choice of the same blazon of victim, and the arrangement of the corpse always in a certain style. The subject is obliged to respect a certain ritual club which is necessary to represent his inner globe in existent life; 4) coercion: equally in any type of addiction, the demand to exercise evil is an expression of an inner need, first psychological, and then physiological. Therefore, this is a compulsive behavior fueled by impossible desires. With the passage of time, and the progression of homicides, he develops a truthful syndrome of habituation and addiction that leads the discipline to always seek higher levels of violence.

1) Motivational phase

The motives represent the source of a serial killer'southward beliefs. They are divided into: a) master motivations, common to all individuals and peculiarly related to physiological needs; b) secondary motivations, which include all those complex behaviors, sometimes socially adamant and not related to physiological needs. The motivational drive concerns some psychological dynamics which impact: perception on the role of the bailiwick that the environment does not care for him; an obsessive search for attention, positive reinforcement, gratification; the desire to possess and control the environment and other general command; the transformation of the need to possess and command sexual impulses and the need to impale to touch the environs which he perceives as "bad" in order to counterbalance all his frustrations with one single action.

two) Criminal fantasy phase

In the mind of the subject the materialization of a fantasy occurs. In the absence of a criminal imagination the path is blocked and the crime cannot be committed. A serial killer dreams of killing and raping, and of having ability over other people's lives, nearly every bit if, past controlling the lives of victims, he could regain command over his life. Sex and a violent sadistic sexual fantasy play a major function considering the sexual sphere is the most heady aspect for the serial killer and the almost derogatory to the victim.

3) Mental apprehension of the effects stage

A serial killer mentally anticipates the effects of his actions. The effects may take instrumental functions (due east.g. murder to have control) or expressive functions (e.chiliad. murder to strengthen cocky-esteem and self-efficacy). The first function acts on the second, directing it; in every crime the weight of one or the other function may be different, but they are both present. The serial killer mentally anticipates "the atmosphere of assailment" with the aim of reducing the sense of existential angst.

four) The design phase

In this phase the field of study evaluates the convenience of criminal activeness through a decision-making procedure (pro-counterbalance). Making the selection, the behavior is programmed in all its variables and the subject decides whether, how and when, to take that action. During the pattern stage, the subject tin see the difficulty of carrying out the crime and determine to stop or postpone the murderous bear.

5) Execution phase

The field of study applies the strategies outlined in the planning phase. When he murders, it is the culmination of excitement, the moment when he tin triumph, dominate, and denigrate some other human. This phase produces internal sensations to the subject, both positive and negative, which will touch the possibility of a recurrence of homicidal beliefs.

6) Satisfaction after killing

This is the stage in which the discipline feels satisfied. Recurrence of violent behavior depends on the presence and caste of sure factors: 1) experiences during the first murder and subsequent learning mechanism stimulus/response; 2) if a unmarried murder has satisfied the sense of inadequacy and frustration, every bit well as the need to control; three) elaboration of emotions experienced during the murder after a certain catamenia; iv) stimulation coming from distension by the media of the killer; v) further frustrating stimulation from the killer's social environment.

The role of the media is very important in strengthening the homicidal fantasies. The media accept the ability to make the field of study feel important by increasing his "elusive" image.

six. The Time of the Murder: The Execution Stage

The executive phase (Norris, 1988) , consists of some phases, each of which is correlated to a particular mental state: 1) auroral stage: characterized by a dissociative state, in which the killer has crossed the borders that separate imagination from reality. It tin can last days, months or even years. The phase of repetitions and elaborations of fantasies have themes such as murder, revenge, control, mutilation, cannibalism and possession. Nada can stop the murderer at this phase; 2) the stage of identifying the victim: the serial killer begins to attend places where it is more likely for him to find a victim. There is nix random or adventitious at this stage. Every series killer has a definite "list" for the kind of victim he needs to satisfy his fantasies; 3) the seduction phase: the serial killer patiently lures, fascinates, persuades and woos his victim into a vulnerable position so that he can implement his murder. He begins a very seemingly innocent chat, whose real intention is to get the vital information needed to lure the victim into a trap. Individuals are charismatic, kind, charming, and well- dressed. The series killer tries to "make himself known" to the victim. When he gains the victim's trust, he moves onto the adjacent phase; 4) the capture stage: usually, the killer acts when the victim is alone, in an isolated place. The previous phases take the task of increasing the degree of excitation of the subject; the capture causes pleasure, as the murderer feels that the victim is, at final, in his possession, and he tin take all the fourth dimension he wants to fix the murderous ritual. The capture can be swift and decisive, and then equally not to give the victim a chance, but it can likewise be irksome and studied, in order to increase the terror level of his prey. Once the killer is sure that there is no way for the victim to escape, he reveals his true intentions; five) the murder phase: the killer'due south fantasies are enacted. Information technology is the stage of triumph, often accompanied by an orgasmic release of tension built up in the previous steps. Each murderer has his own fashion of killing, and that is what gives him greater satisfaction; 6) the depersonalization phase: the victim'due south face up is oftentimes covered, and the victim is thereby "depersonalized". Rape or mutilation often takes place after the victim was rendered unconscious, is dying or is already expressionless. Sexual acts often involve insertion of foreign objects into trunk orifices (insertional necrophilia). Expiry is caused by strangulation, wounds from edgeless or sharp weapons, and the weapon is oft establish at the crime scene; 7) totemic phase: it is the time following the law-breaking, when the aggressor relives the murder committed through memories and fetishes. The experience was so rewarding that the killer feels drained of all free energy. To prolong the feeling of ability and triumph, the murderer takes souvenirs or criminal offence trophies (torso parts, article of clothing). These trophies are essential in order to create and maintain in some way, a span between his fantasies and the crimes committed. The murderer tin can pose the corpse. This phase besides practices various perversions, such as cannibalism, necrophilia, and masturbation in front of the trunk or parts of the torso. An organized killer is more inclined to take photographs or video the victim, both before and afterwards the murder; 8) depressive stage: after the murder, the series killer suffers great emotional disappointment and he gets depressed.

However, since the victims are seen every bit objects, the retentivity of the murders may fade over time, and shift the killers in their fantasies, make them movement towards a new murder, and restart the homicidal bicycle (Samenow, 1984) .

7. Serial Killers and Socio-Environmental Factors

Serial homicidal behavior is the product of the circular combination of three factors (F) which are interwoven with each other, with variable importance from private to private, and of unlike intensities of the respective sub-factors (SF). The initials of the three factors: Social and ecology (Due south), Private (I) and Relational (R) identify the SIR model, which constitutes the starting signal for creating a new taxonomy of serial murder that takes into account the real complexity of the miracle and that can explain why a person becomes serial killer (De Luca & Mastronardi, 2011) . The F factor (S) includes all social and environmental components that can affect the behavior of a serial murderer.

1) The socio-environmental factor

SF1: Original family surround. In most cases, the family in which a series killer grows up does not allow a salubrious development of empathy and, consequently, the formation of a balanced personality. Physical, sexual and psychological corruption, and emotional deprivation are some of the many traumas which the subject undergoes during childhood that establish the foundations for futurity criminal behavior.

SF2: Insertion in social club. During boyhood, and, later, as an adult, a serial murderer has, in principle, a low level of inclusion in social club; in fact, very oft, he does not have a rewarding chore and has few friends, and is a person with few cultural interests. Even in those cases where, apparently, the subject shows a "facade of normality" (for example, is married, has children, a stable job and is considered positively by the community in which he lives), in reality information technology is an inclusion which stops at a superficial level and does not involve the cadre of the personality, haunted by deep inner anxieties.

SF3: Predisposing, facilitating and triggering events. In every life story of a series killer, you tin can find predisposing, facilitating and triggering events that may occur at any fourth dimension, triggering the homicidal chain reaction; these events, which for some other person may seem completely harmless, instead, for a series murderer take a disruptive emotional free energy, which is able to shatter a fragile identity. The listing of these events is not the same for everyone, but among the nearly mutual, in that location are sudden deaths, which upset the precarious internal remainder of the subject area, sudden abandonment by a person, like shooting fish in a barrel access to a weapon, and the presence of a sure type of easily approachable victim.

SF4: Sub-cultural influences. This factor assumes considerable importance in those cases in which the series killer grows up in a criminal environment, where, for example, the parents exhibit criminal behavior, or the subject field is inserted, particularly during boyhood, in a group of criminal peers who do a meaning influence over him. Several serial killers start a criminal career early, because they are included in a context that facilitates and supports the shift to an aggressive action.

SF5: Rewards and punishments by the environment. The way society reacts to the first deviant and criminal acts by a potential serial killer plays an important role in guiding the future behavior of the subject field. The criminal path of an individual does not brainstorm with a serial murder, but with less serious incidents. The subject may receive rewards or punishments for their deportment, or a penalization with an educational part, which tin can serve to ho-hum or block the development of serial homicidal behavior.

ii) The private factor

SF1: Psychological and psychopathological traits. A serial killer has peculiar psychological characteristics that, in many cases, are related to psychopathological traits and can accept different forms (mental disease, neurological deficits) and orientate his behavior. In some subjects, a "predisposition to evil" seems to exist with very early on criminal behavior, even in families where there is no presence of trauma.

SF2: Sexuality. The quality and quantity of sexual impulses of the subject field during the developmental menstruation feeds their fantasy life and is a key determinant of adult beliefs. The development of a perverse sexuality tin can be a central component of a future series killer.

SF3: Imaginative Life (fantasies). A common characteristic of all serial killers is to have a very rich and varied imaginative life. Compared to the fantasies of normal individuals, those of potential serial killers are oriented early the domain, control and destruction of other people who are imagined as "objects" at disposal for personal gratification.

SF4: Subjective needs (motivations). Throughout life, everyone has aspirations and motivations that lead them to exhibit certain behaviors. In serial killers, murder is e'er linked to purely personal psychological motivations; in fact, when they are captured and interrogated about what prompted them to kill, it is very difficult to sympathize their justification.

SF5: Processing capacity of trauma. This private factor is very important to understand why some people become serial killers and others do not, even though there are like life experiences in their personal history. A traumatic effect (for example, the mourning of a loved ane, humiliation acquired by schoolmates, rejection past a sexual partner) can exist handled in different ways by different people.

iii) The relational gene

SF1: Communication with himself. Serial murderers have difficulty establishing and maintaining genuinely empathic relationships with others and adopt to live in a dimension of loneliness, accompanied only by their imaginations. The quality of these fantasies and the internal dialogue that every serial killer has with himself, are of fundamental importance and influence his future action.

SF2: Communication of the individual-family of origin. The devaluing attitude of a male parent or a female parent could irreversibly compromise the development of a kid's personality. Indeed, tensions with parents tin determine futurity adult behavior, which tin can also lead them to kill women "that remind them of their mother" considering, despite not having the courage to murder their own mother, they murder her symbolically by using other victims.

SF3: Advice of the individual-sexual partners. Sex is 1 of the cardinal aspects of man life and the type of interaction created by the individual with sexual partners has definite influence on his personality. Many of the serial killers analyzed, take developed an inadequate path equanimous of refusal, abandonment and humiliation of every kind. Therefore, they come to hate a certain category of people (in nearly cases, women) against whom they wish to take revenge by killing them.

SF4: Communication of the private-society. Some series killers manage to camouflage themselves behind a mask of normality by opening very superficial relationships with other social subjects, but, in fact, proceed to treat people as mere "objects" and do not believe that it is possible to establish a positive relationship. In the result that serial murderers have their ain family unit (maybe married with children), the human relationship with the family unit has the aforementioned tendency as the external ones: a "facade of normality", while, in reality, domestic life is marked by a daily underlying tension.

SF5: Ways of learning violence. From what nosotros tin can deduce, a homo being is non born a serial killer, but, over the years, learns the use of violence to satisfy his needs (identity, sexual, personal gratification, omnipotence) and means of learning are ever a question of interaction with one or more negative patterns taken as reference points (Table 4).

viii. Decision

Analyzing the miracle of serial killers, elements emerge which can decide series homicidal behavior. The instinct of repulsion of death, which is present in all human beings, is weakened or absent in serial killers. They feel attracted to expiry, and all that concerns decease. Fantasy has a central office and pushes the serial killer into an imaginary world, where he finds more satisfaction than in the real world. Before killing, he will experiment the murder in his imagination. If he is satisfied past the outset fantasy, he will create other fantasies, until,

(a) (b)

Table 4. (a) SIR MODEL (De Luca & Mastronardi, 2011) . (b) Relational factor F (R).

at a sure point, dissatisfaction will pb him to re-enter the existent world to apply three essential elements: power, control and domain. On termination of this stage, he volition daydream about a new victim to cede. This enquiry cannot provide definitive answers to the problem about serial murderer, nevertheless, it can exist useful for further research in the field of serial killers.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Source: https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=74772

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